Disclaimer Ndrangheta.Org Synth.Cam

Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys
I used to think I knew a lot... but I have got getting on for half a century of experience of getting laundered and continually billed for the privilege of it now and my sister worked full time for a News of the Screws organization for many years. She is an old school mate of London Met Police boss Yates who admitted being on the squad that slipped Putman a pint of beer during a corruption investigation. They have not paid me more that 1% of my 1977 Rothschild legacy for almost 50 years now that has forced me to conclude they never will even if I inherit it again. I have now 100% written off my financial interests in Offshore Jersey CI, but as they have always said in pool the game is not over until the black ball is down. Ian Gorst having declared a Drug War when he did means people must needlessly die. End of story. My launderers talked about anabolic steroids, ganja, and the mob, but they were my launderers not me. Stockbrokers are worth their weight in lead though I can tell you. It was a stockbroker who educated me about there being no double jeapardy law here in Offshore Jersey CI. I was just re-reading a book by one of the gr8 train robbers Goody today when I remembered him. In England and many other places for that matter you cannot be tried for a crime twice so if you are found guilty you are free to write whatever you like about it with no fear of any second trial. Here in Offshore Jersey CI that handy little legal rule that has enabled so much literature does not apply. A farmer I once met was nearly caught out by that when fined 10k for a crime with unlimited fines possibility. He was not stupid though so sold on his farms with a contract before any chance of a re-trial. So if you ever meet a stockbroker remember what they are worth. Means Scholefield might be off to Canada soon really with the non extradition treaty and all that. When he laundered me this last time with the variation order the reason his assistant gave was speed of payment rather than tax as the Bailiff had questioned. Means with any re-trial the laundry reason would surface with no double jeopardy. The Bailiff who did the judging retires in the Fall this year though so time could be an issue. Scholefield will be where the cold wind blows as soon as he gets leaked to though and nothing at all does not get leaked to crims like him. So all it takes is a re-trial and he's on maple syrup and snow. What's new I guess? It all goes up their noses at Viberts anyway from what I hear. Still good regular gear though. Nobody has hit them with any 100% pure yet as far as I know. Our family fortune survived Hitler but not Chris it might seem. He keeps his ill gotten gains he took me for in property he was boasting to me outside Hamptons Estate Agents recently. The only good Scholefield is a dead Scholefield really just like his long departed Dad. Regrettably, the entire cocaine supply to Scholefield's Vibert law firm can be switched over to 100% pure with one word. Colin Powell the Economic Adviser to the States of Jersey in 1977 can be called as a witness and so can Laurie Hart a lawyer from Spoore & Fisher and Bailiff Birt if they are still alive. Bailiff Ereaut, Deputy Bailiff Frank Hammon, and Commissioner Keith Baker are all dead now so cannot be called as witnesses but they too were in on the 1977 job. They will be laundering all of the Gaza and Ukraine redevelopment grants here I would imagine. Construction is notorious for mafia involvement and there will be a lot of mafia builders competing for both contracts. Combined the two redevelopment contracts will attract a lot in terms of local laundry bills. It will be the usual cartel gang of suspects that do it all I would imagine.

Mourant, Du Feu, Jeune, Vibert, Valpy, Ogier, Le Cornu, Spoore, Fisher, Marks, Clerk, Crill, Cubitt-Sowden, & Tomes are the cartel of 'Ndrangheta laundry lawyers I need pro bono protection against. They are the most powerful and influential yet mortal cartel of laundry & terror finance lawyers on Earth.

I told Court 1 last week that I had cave dived Swildon's Sump One a couple of times and left it at that. Another cave diver was about to be judged by a Lady Magistrate.

Some other people cave diving the same cave dive I dived twice one way and twice the other way the second time jointly creating the Old Marlburian Caving Club.

free counters
A very rewarding CLE course topic I took with the City Bar before the credit crisis...

"He jumps into the water, walks downstream, crosses to the other side, climbs out." Protecting the Island from Money Launderers by Advocate Alan Binnington, Inside Jersey Magazine, 1993/1995. What my Dad said about Haloid and Arthur Rank checked out. The Chester Carlson network will aide us therefore. Aide can also be confidently expected from my 1990s Birmingham Sperm Bank family.

My fully owned house in 1996 before I was swindled out of it in a property deal too far...

I remember opening up the old fireplace in this room once that had been blocked off since before I moved in... the French windows are new but the doors are still the same... the old fireplace is presently between the two shelving units... the other old fireplace is on the extreme left of the photo... you can still see the return where the dividing wall between the two rooms used to be... 3 up 3 down with an outside bog... the kitchen is through the right door and the top floor through the stairs on the central door... quite a big gang of people will remember the room... accountants and engineers mainly, ip professionals and military types... it was on a Barclays mortgage supported by Sir Owen Williams and Partners over the other side of the Hagley Road.

The letter above about his affaire with RBC worker Morag talks of my house proceeds being paid into my trust (para 2) and the letter below from the trust claims none of the funds paid into it sourced from my house proceeds (para 3)(sentence 2 quotes). One of us is lying as the rock bank Abba song lyrics goes... the letter above (para 2) is the further details they asked for (para 3)(sentence 2 quotes)... Clive Tomes is reported as saying about the Cantrade scandal "It also took a long time before they started sending complete and accurate information to their clients."

The two letters above relate to the Equinox letter further on up this page dispoving what the previous trustees were reported to have said about the source of funds...the letter below indicates the true DM account source... the property receipts at the bottom of this page reflect the sums involved and the address of the house mentioned in the RBC letter also on this page.

Price included patent agent services for 20 years... RBC actually went as far as killing my Dad, Mum, & Uncle as revenge for me having made this complaint to the Jersey Financial Services Commission... having killed 3 of us killing me is not going to hurt them much more... leaving my sister as their Royalist Muppet... she will just take the money and hear all see all and say nowt... they have put the frighteners on her... silver or lead RBC Jersey style...

The only realistic economic future for me...

With Frankfurt Rothschild DNA relatives like these though I should be Ok...

I should be able to figure something out...Cops have defamation law funds that legal aid have not...

Check out this Royals story on the web... this is the lead to the kiddo of the brother of the Queen Mum who should have really inherited the throne of the Uk instead of the QE2 according to the patrimony regulations of the time. She was declared legally dead to Burke's Peerage by her Mum and simply abandoned in an institution...where she eventually died as this grave of the true heir to the Uk throne shows...

A stolen block of flats...photo below...receipt above

A stolen office block...photo below...receipt above

Some handy lifelines from the Musicans' Union Journal 2024; helpforhouseholds.campaign.gov.uk gov.uk/benefits-calculators gov.uk/assylum-support stepchange.org turn2us.org.uk moneysavingexpert.com whick.co.uk/mpney citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/money-legal/cost-of-living mencap.org.uk/help-with-food-energy-and-money savethestudent.org/save-money/cost-of-living-crisis.html trussell.org.uk/emergency-food/find-a-foodbank olioapp.com/en toogoodtogo.com warmwelcome.uk/find-a-space bapam.org.uk helpmusicians.org.uk/get-support/develop-as-a-musician/advice helpmusicians.org.uk/get-support/mental-health musicsupport.org musiciansunion.org.uk/membership-benefits/grants-and-financial-support musiciansunion.org.uk/my-mu/discounts musiciansunion.org.uk/membership-benefits/unpaid-fee-recovery-service musiciansunion.org/membership-benefits/musicians-hearing-health-scheme musiciansunion.org.uk/health-safety-wellbeing/mental-health-and-wellbeing/wellbeing-practice-and-training musiciansunion.org.uk/legal-money/cost-of-living-crisis

Busking on guitar for bread in Normandie is satisfying... even in the rain...

What all of the fuss is about... most of this Rothschild fortune should have gone to me in 1977 with a Tutelle of 7 when I was 15 and 3/4. None of it reached me directly ever however apart from a couple of rugs. Offshore Jersey CI is the principal laundry of London. Every nuclear power has its own laundry country to compete for its share of the global black economy. US, China, Russia, France, Israel etc all compete with their own different laundry countries. This is the London laundry country that's all. Globally laundry is all done by the 'Ndrangheta. Calabria control the global black economy therefore. 70% of the tax here comes from banking & finance and that means that the island is hooked on laundry really. Football stadiums are paid for by laundry tax receipts here in the same way Pablo Escobar used to pay for them in Columbia. Without laundry, banking, & finance 70% of the island economy would implode. There is just no other way now. It's sad but that is just the way things are. Onshore the criminal economy is only 3/5% not 70% so you don't really notice it as much and just put up with it when crime enters your life. The G7 might sort it all out one day and they might not but it's going to take time whatever is decided. Calabria and Normandie were once very close. Offshore Jersey CI and Normandie were once very close. If there is a way out it probably lies in Normandie. Au revoir. Salut. Bon chance. Vive la France.

Launderers and terrorist financiers use the same skills really. One disguises payments into society and the other out of society. The Laundry networks of the 'Ndrangheta worlwide therefore are all qualified by experience to do terrorism finance work. So this page can be used by Israel to identify terrorists in Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthi. I have been laundered here for almost 50 years now since I was 15 in 1977 so I know who all of the terrorist financiers here are statistically likely to be. It's teamwork from now on though. The IDF should pick up this website eventually and my other one. I am physically unable to serve but I can write code for this server and read books. Being a qualified Adjudicator I am unlikely to get killed for this. Being the only person to apply for Aliya from the Jewish Agency here I am an unlikely asset for Israel but more valuable to the IDF here that there. People do turn up the music when I walk into cafes though and avoid talking too much in my company. I know I am not liked by everybody. I am not paranoid. It suits me though. I can work. I work in laundry law really. I know more about it than most because I have been laundered here for almost 50 years since I was 15 in 1977. If what I do gets the IDF to catch even only one TF my work will not have been in vain. Malta is the Bitcoin laundry frontier now I read today in The Laundromat by Jake Bernstein. Anything new like crypto can be used for good and/or bad though I think. They used quite a lot of heroin in ww1 for pain and even now the Legion sell Poppies. My uncle was part of bomb disposal in Malta in ww2 though so I am not sure what he would think about Bitcoin. It's more of a quantum kind of thing to me though. Both good and bad. Rich and poor. 1 and 0. Not a quantum of Solace. Maybe I am talking too much. Loose lips sink ships. I have got weights here though. I can work out. Lehitraot. Shalom. Yom Tov.

The 4 main tax producers here are banking & finance, tourism, investment holders, and farming in that order of magnitude. The last 2 add up to the the third, and the first makes over 70%. E, heroin, and cocaine prices here are heavy but that is thought by the dealers I know here to simply be because everything is expensive rather than to be because of law enforcement. Laundry including drug laundry however is something the island can no longer afford to be without. Laundry is a basic commodity here like 911s or Cartier watches. New laundry, like drugs, arrives every day but most of it, unlike drugs, is done and dusted and sitting here in accounts or property investment holdings. Alcohol here is legal with one of the top 3 user rates in Europe. ED is a major medical issue therefore. Limited liability partnership general managers registered here do not need to be resident on the island unlike many other secrecy jurisdictions and banks buy and sell law firms on a regular basis. Over the last few years one of the magic circle law firms Mourant was sold on by State Street and later bought up by RBC for instance.

Some more truth from Hessen...
Rothschild, Lima geb. Spiegel 10.05.1861 Kassel 17.09.1942 Ghetto Theresienstadt
Rothschild, Hugo 18.04.1888 Meisungen Oktober 1942 Auschwitz
Rothschild, Max 25.11.1886 Munchen Getto Riga
Rothschild, Selma verh. Weil 12.05.1889 Gottingen Ghetto Theresienstadt
Rothschild, Sophie verh. Grunewald 17.07 1881 Schoetmar/Lippe Ghetto Theresienstadt
Rothschild, Bertha verh. Kopinsky 19.03.1865 Berlin 07.12.1942 Ghetto Theresienstadt
Rothschild, Inge Johana verh. Spiegel 23.01.1921 Ahlen Gheto Lodz
Rothschild, Siegmund 23.08.1882 Ahlen 12.07.1938 KZ Sachenhausen
Rothschild, Hermann 18.08.1880 Hilversum/Holland 05.021945 Bergen-Belsen
Rothschild, Meta geb. Heilbrunn 26.10.1885 Hilversum/Holland Bergen-Belsen

BD means Bachelor of Divinity apparently... something to do with Theology... so much for starting training to be a Rabbi... the knowledge that there were as many Jews as Romans in 50ad was as far as my learning got...

The two sample pages above concern 2013 only 12 years ago... it can happen again... you do not need to disclose the beneficial owner of companies there either...

The amount of laundry involved...

This sample page about diamond laundry makes quite a good case for a cubic zirconia engagement ring methinks...

Bee-re-sheet ba-ra Elohim et ha-sha-ma-yim ve-et ha-a-retz

New evidence from 2023. Getting threat and assault in a public place in 2023 from one of the totally powerful and influential cartel of 'Ndrangheta laundry lawyers here and his minder... It was their way of making contact again after my complaint about their 1994 pre meditated cold blooded attempted first degree murder 1 attempt of me with the eggshell skull method before killing my Dad here and Uncle up North in 21 and my Mum two years ago and terrorizing my sister with wrong legal advice two years ago and financial control and attempted bankrupting of me for getting on for 50 years now and wrecking my family life and relaundry of my assets for the 5th time a couple of months back with a 16.666% variation order lawsuit.

A copyright lapsed map of the extensive ww2 Todt built railways here...

I was watching a Bruce Willis film about a cop shooting another cop when I remembered about my Dad saying that it would be nice if we could get our own back on Barclays as we were crossing the road to the car park down by the Grand Marche Co-op once. The Bruce Willis role was taking in a witness when he heard from another cop about a grass getting toasted who was going to send him down. At the time I was not quite sure what he meant by the comment so I just let it pass. The laundry complaints of mine about Barclays, RBC, and Equinox since that time got me thinking though. He was obviously going to testify against them, obvious to me at least anyway. Me and my sister don't really know enough but he most certainly did. He was the man that knew too much. Someone will read this eventually. Making any kind of phone call is far too risky.

They only get the chop when they kill you or cost you your whole net worth really that amounts to the same thing. Some kind of home grown laundered fund and a few bent opinions and a lot of them can, would, and do do it I would think especially with a 100k bung to a PR company to dig up all the shit they can on you to make you look like public enemy number 1 who had it coming and got what s/he deserved.

Obviously someone is reading this page or I would not be alive. The Santander GB branch at Charing Cross is up for sale along with the rest of Santander GB according to the i because of too much regulation. I am therefore formally offering £2 for Santander GB here and now for the same reason. My Rothschild estate was laundered by many here over the decades but including by Keith Baker an advocate of Mourant lawyers now owned by RBC. He owned the Charing Cross Santander GB building in the 1970s, so £2 seems like a fair price. It is a cash offer.

Regrettably it is now a rock solid, cast iron, concrete certainty that the entire British Empire and the Commonwealth is fighting to defend Advocate Chris Scholefield to the very, very, very last drop of blood with any and all ways and means at their disposal including drugs, guns, money, chemical, and nuclear.

You have got to stay socially aware and not sell your soul in adjudication. Chris the pharmacist from the Synagogue who has been trying to convert in for 5 or 10 years now is talking to the private security guard at the library. He is vulnerable. The FT got it wrong about Santander the press said today so I am revoking my offer. An assistant manager of Citi Bank got killed in London but the suspect has disappeared. Life does not go on for everyone it would seem.

You only really need to ask yourselves one question. What kind of guy am I and what kind of guys are the launderers if everything I have said about the last 50 years is true? Before he got corrupted by Offshore Jersey CI launderers in 1977 my Dad was in Patents with Xerox. So because patents are all about monopolies and so is anti-trust law over the next hour I will list here all of the monopoly areas of Chinese organized crime from a book I own. Here we go...
monopoly of coal sector
monopoly of excavation sector
monopoly of construction
monopoly of fruit and veg markets
monopoly of gas sector
monopoly of dispute settlement
monopoly of entertainment
monopoly of car repair business
monopoly of real estate
monopoly of control of officials
monopoly of excavation
monopoly of mining
monopoly of transpotation
monoploy of supermarkets
monopoly of cigarettes
monopoly of waste disposal
monopoly of gambling
monopoly of illegal detention
we were a truly great family before 1977 and the Offshore Jersey CI launderers came along.

Ridgeback was the word on the street today. Meaningless to everyone apart from me I guess. I can still see the scar on my guitar strumming thumb where the Ridgeback attacked me when I went up North to confide my invention of video one armed bandits in the JCM fruit machine family. My pasta is done now. I hear the call of the microwave. Gotta go.

Above and below are interview transcripts with Harley Street Dr James Davies
Below are lecture notes from Harley Street Dr James Davies
Sarafem == Prozac renamed
After 1 year on the Seroquel the email above and below were about 5kg weight gain increasing Diabetes risk was documented but covered up with cherry picking research papers by its manufacturer Astrazeneca